Fiber optic lighting enables designers and architects to transform innovative ideas into stunning reality. With the freedom to incorporate
a wide variety of special effects into your lighting design, it is now possible to combine creativity and functionality on a multitude of
interior, exterior and custom applications.
Here are just some of the benefits you will experience with fiber optic lighting:
Since the light source is isolated from the light output, you are given the freedom to design schemes where access for bulb replacement or installation would otherwise be a problem.
By utilizing a single lamp to illuminate many end points, maintenance requirements are simplified and can be centralized within the overall design.
The use of color or effect wheels allows creative and dynamic effects to be achieved simply and cost effectively.
There is virtually no heat at the point of light output thus allowing heat sensitive items to be lit and installations to be safely undertaken in areas where excess heat could otherwise cause problems.
The fiber cable only transmits light - and not electricity therefore it can be safely installed in adverse conditions or potentially hazardous areas.